- 简约的设计线条 - 形状像一本打开的书本,又像一张展开的翅膀 - 颜色丰富(6 种基本 PP 颜色可选,多种布料颜色可选)
- Simple design with clear lines - Shape looks like an open book or a pair of beautiful wings - Rich colors can be selected to match various environ ments (6 different colors)
- 不使用胶水 (HAG 品牌中所有产品均不含胶水) - 主要材料为聚丙烯,材料轻、熔点高、韧性好 - 四脚椅,脚为铝合金材质,即使女孩子也可轻松搬运,如数量多,也可较快整理、收纳 - Glue is prohibited for HAG brand - The material for Wing is polypropylene, light in weight, higher melting temperature and good toughness - Aluminum in four legs, easy to move even by girls, it also can be collected in shorter period of time
- 座椅带倾仰功能,符合品牌一贯的设计哲学:人体天生不适合坐着不动,而是为活动和变化而生 -自适应地面高度不平功能(最高可承受 25mm 的不平地面)功能 - Tile forward and backward, align with the design philosophy of HAG brand - the human body is not made for sitting still, but for movement and variation - Self-adjustable to rough floor surface maximum to 25mm
- 椅子独特的倾仰功能,和人体自有的身体平衡机制,让使用者很难在只坐在二个椅腿的情况下保持身体平衡;尤其针对学龄儿童和青少年,纠正其“翘椅子”的习惯,从而提高了安全性 - The unique tilting function and inherent balance system of human beings bring more difficulties to users who want to keep balance only with two legs. This characteristic improves the safety especially to pre-school kids and teenagers, who keen to “tilt the chair.