Avarte报告厅椅 品牌描述 |
芬兰AVARTE OY 公司成立于1980年,是北欧最著名的家具商之一,产品来自当代顶尖家具设计大师约里奥·库卡波罗(YRJO KUKKAPURO)为首的设计团队. 库卡波罗是一位坚定的功能主义者, 50年代,他是第一位将人体工学引入家具设计的设计师;他的作品简洁、质朴、高雅、结构暴露,充分体现北欧简约风格; 他将生态学/人体工学/美学列为家具设计要素,希望产品可靠/耐用/舒适/环保
库卡波罗教授的足迹遍布世界范围,他的作品14次被包括纽约现代艺术博物馆、德国VITRA设计博物馆等永久收藏,1963-1980年期间,以校长和客席教授身份施教多个国家的设计院校(包括中国江南大学、南京林业大学等),1980年至今,讲学于世界各地,并坚持创作设计,每年都有新的设计作品推出。 |
Avarte报告厅椅 设计师介绍 |
Designer:Yrjo Kukkapuro
Professor Kukkapuro has been the company's principal designer from the very beginning. His designs reflect an awareness of space and its function, be it the space of classical or modern buildings. Furniture has been designed by making it complement the architecture of the building, by making it assimilate with the space without dominating it. Avarte and Kukkapuro often work in close co-operation with architects. Even though many products have originally been designed, tested and manufactured for a certain environment, many of them have proven appropriate for other corresponding projects. This may result from the universality of the products and the fact that they seldom point to any specific style or era. Some products have also been manufactured in different versions suitable for many public facilities.
Kukkapuro studied under Ilmari Tapiovaara and Olli Borg who taught him the practical meaning of functionalism, and young Kukkapuro greatly respected their wisdom and philosophy. Later he became the principal and professor of the University of Industrial Arts, and in his teaching he continued and expressed his functional thinking. His form language is based on a simple, clear and often imposing functionality which takes into account materials and their natural formal aspects as well. The outcomes of the design work are perfect wholes precisely because functionality in all its manifestations is their core. This is appropriate for Kukkapuro who wishes to avoid excessive personification and who does not want to present hyperbolic views about design, either. |
Avarte报告厅椅 产品描述 |
Funktus Auditorium Design: Yrjo Kukkapuro
Thanks to its elegant design, Funktus is equally well suited to normal auditoriums and to concert halls and theatres. Special tests were used to ensure seating comfort. The single-leg support system makes for easy cleaning. A folding writing level is available as an accessory, and attaches to the arm.
丰托思报告厅椅 主要用途及适用范围:剧场、影院、会议室、等
板 材: 座板和背板分别为14mm和12mm厚的定型胶合板(桦木)
椅板颜色: 黑色、(常规)枫木色(期货)
椅板封边: 清水边、黑边(常规)
贴 面: 装饰耐火板
软 包: 座位软包高回弹海绵,密度45㎏/m3、厚度为50mm,靠背软包成型海绵,密度 30㎏/m3 肩垫软包高回弹海绵,密度 45㎏/m3、厚度为30mm
工艺过程: 用胶水将软包固定在内模板(密度板)上,后用螺丝钉,把外模板与内 模板上的梅花抓钉固定。
扶 手: 黑色半软PU泡沫塑料扶手(期货)
架 子: 静电喷塑钢制型材, 规格:20×30mm 方管壁厚1.5mm;15×20mm方管壁厚1.5mm;10×20mm方管壁厚1.5mm; 黑色(常规)、铁灰色、银灰色(期货)
丰托思报告厅椅,结合客户的不同使用要求,可在背板后面添加抽拉式写字板,黑色(常规)、枫木色(期货);扶手写字板,黑色(常规)、枫木色(期货) 黑色塑料杯托(常规),黑色塑料网兜常规)
注 意: 报告厅椅第一排无法安装塑料杯托,最好建议配置前排桌
安装要求: 无台阶理想安装排距应在(900-1100mm)之间
地面受力要求: A 膨胀螺丝必须实际打在水泥地6CM。 B 需提供地面材质、厚度是否允许打孔。 带台阶: 台阶高度要求(150-200mm)之间,台阶深度要求(900-1100mm)之间
安装步骤: ⑴先根据场地要求,绘画出家具安装的点的定位图。 ⑵用冲击钻对地面事先描好的描点进行钻孔。(冲击钻需大功率) ⑶用榔头把木屑塞紧孔位。 ⑷再根据实际情况用螺丝把架子固定在原先打孔的木屑上。 ⑸后用平头螺丝把背板固定在架子上,再装座板,最后装上靠枕。
家具尺寸:常规:550*640*920-930 定制:580*640*1040-1050 常规座宽:550mm 定制:定制范围可以扩大到580mm(是扶手与扶手之间范围,价格需另外核计) 常规座深:640mm 常规高度:范围(920-930mm)之间,定制高度背板可增加一个120mm 高度靠枕(价格需另外合计)
Avarte报告厅椅 产品细节 |
扶手写字板 |
Avarte报告厅椅 产品规格 |
Avarte报告厅椅 产品色卡 |
Avarte报告厅椅 产品应用 |

国外工程案例 |
国外工程案例 |
国外工程案例 |
上海长征中学 |